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Joburg to Cape Town, South Africa. End of the overland tour

We packed up our tents for the final time and loaded up in the truck and set off for Joburg. Our drop off point is Mufasa Hostel in rural Joburg, the guides encourage you to stay here but we opted to stay closer to the airport because we had an early flight the next morning. We snagged a great deal at The Aviator hotel which was lovely. The German girls and American boys were staying at the neighboring hotel so they joined us for dinner and final farewell.

In the morning we got to Joburg airport early. We decided to store our big backpacks and sleeping bags at the bag port - no reason to lug them around Cape Town since we fly back to the states from Joburg.

We stayed at The Glam hotel in greenmarket square in Cape Town. It was a good enough hotel (the price was right anyways). And the location was great. It is right next to a big flea market, great souvenir shopping. The weather was pretty dreary while we were in Cape Town, raining off and on. We spent a decent amount of time at the waterfront. Table Mountain was unfortunately closed those two days. We got a great recommendation for a restaurant that turned out to be just a few blocks from our hotel. La Parada, a busy tapas restaurant, quite a scene, great place to meet locals - and randomly enough run into a kid from my high school!

We braved the volatile weather and signed up for a half day tour of the peninsula. It was a rushed tour that makes quick stops at Boulders Beach and Cape of Good Hope. I was glad to see these places and had the weather been nicer I would have preferred to do the full day tour.

Since the weather was a bust and Hilary was flying back to the states the next morning, Amanda and I decided to rent a car and drive to Stellenbosch, the wine region.

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