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Driving day - Chobe to Maun

This morning breakfast was at 5:00am so we woke up at 4:30am to pack up our tents (by flashlight. slightly challenging). It is an 8-9 hour drive to Maun and we want to get there in daylight to set up camp.

We saw a beautiful sunrise on our drive. The roads are endlessly bumpy (good thing we read online to pack sports bras. For real.) We stopped a couple hours into the drive for a pee break. Meaning find shrubbery you can squat behind. We had to disembark the bus at a random point along the road to sterilize our shoes again. Eventually, after many naps, we made it to Maun. We stopped in town for an hour before arriving at the campsite. We were instructed to each buy 5 liters of water to bring with us into the Delta for the next couple days. Meanwhile, Mama Flo (our cook) did the grocery shopping. We found a restaurant in town that had wifi, so we enjoyed a beer while checking emails.

When we got to camp we set up our tents and packed our bags for our 3 day excursion into the delta. It was very hot, and I got a lot of sun along the drive so we did our chores quickly and retreated to the campsite pool. Most of our group joined in and we taught everyone how to play line tag. (Mostly so the two children in our group would have fun - but it turned out to be a fun bonding game).

Dinner was a

sort of shepherds pie with ground meat and mashed potatoes. Everyone sat around and chatted for a bit. Then a few of us went over the campsite bar. We napped a lot of the bus ride so we stayed up later than usual. Hopefully that will make it easier to sleep in the bush tomorrow!

Off into the Okavango Delta tomorrow!

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