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Copacabana & Isla del Sol - Bolivia

It took us 3 hours to get from Puno to Copacabana, with a quick stop at the border. The four Americans on board were rushed to the immigration office because we had some lengthy paperwork to fill out. All other nationalities got stamped through but we had to fork over a hefty $135USD for our visa. Once we arrived in Copacabana we checked into a very... interesting hostel. It was called 6 de Agosto and at 25 Bolivianos ($3.56USD) per night we couldn't complain. Besides, once we got rid of the bedspreads it wasn't so bad. (We just used our own sleeping bags and pillow cases). Copacabana is even smaller than Puno. The main street is pleasant, it has quite a few shops, restaurants, coffee shops and leads right down to the docks.

In the morning we took a boat to Isla del Sol. We got dropped off on the north end of the island and did the 3 hour walk to the south end. Many tourists stay a night on the island, because Lonely Planet says to, but I think it's completely unnecessary. There is not much to do on the island other than enjoy a nice walk - it's the perfect day trip.

After catching the last boat back to Copacabana we hopped on bus to La Paz.

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