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Africa overland wrap up - thoughts, observations & review of ATC tour

For anyone considering doing an overland tour here are my thoughts:

I think overlanding is probably the best way to get around Africa. But know what you are signing up for. I chose Africa Travel Co because it is among the most economical options. Going into the tour I knew that it was a "participation tour." We are expected to pitch our own tents, help with cooking, do our dishes, etc. It is in no means glamourous. But I truly enjoyed the experience. The guides are there to facilitate the tour - they are not there to teach you or give you and history or information other than the logistical needs of each stop.

The particular tour that I chose: Victoria Falls to Johannesburg with ATC was a wise choice for this time of year. We saw lots of game and had very decent weather. However there were 2.5 days of just driving. The Okavango Delta was incredible and Kruger Park was well worth the drive but those driving days were very dull. We only stayed in 2 places for more than one night. Every other day we put up our tents in the afternoon just to take them down in the morning. And the food was tolerable and nothing more. Breakfast and lunch were very boring and repetitive. (Some of our group had been on a previous tour with ATC with less passengers and they apparently had much more variety in food. So the group size could a considerable factor).

The campsites were mostly decent. They ranged from bug infested to considerable clean. Toilet paper was not always readily available. (Pack your own, or purchase at grocery store there). Almost every campsite had power outlets and a bar. (Many had swimming pools!) Some had wifi connections. In the delta however it was the true bush experience. A hole dug in the ground.

I was very happy I packed some granola bars. And definitely the bug bands. Sunscreen and bug repellant are absolutely imperative. In Zimbabwe they use the US Dollar - bring plenty of $1s if you plan to do souvenir shopping. Absolutely bring a refillable water bottle. And a watch. And a sunhat. (Insect itch relief cream is a good idea too). And most definitely pack a head torch (flashlight).

As far as clothing - this is very much dependent on the time of year. It was mostly very hot for us, however I did wear long pants most of the time. I also wore a lot of lightweight longsleeves for sun and bug protection. I was happy I brought boots (especially for the walking game hike in the delta). I mostly wore a pair of slip-on waterproof sneakers and flip flops. I used a scarf a lot on the very hot days when I felt I needed a little protection from the sun. And again, ladies: sports bras for those bumpy roads!

I was happy I brought playing cards and embroidery string (to make friendship bracelets). We had considerable down time at the campsites and entertainment is highly valued.

All in all - I definitely recommend overlanding. And I look forward to planning my next trip!

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